Jacobsweg Nieumeghen St. Jacobiparochie - Eijsden

Information and accommodation

Start: Sint Jacobiparochie (NL)
End: Meerssen (NL)
Total length of route: 669 km | 416 miles

Villages along the route
Leeuwarden (0,8 km) | Deventer (0,4 km) | Arnhem (0,1 km) | Venlo (0,1 km) | Roermond (0,3 km) | Sittard (0 km) | Maastricht (0 km) | Nijmegen (0,1 km) | s-Hertogenbosch (1,3 km) | Aachen (0,1 km)

Altitude information
Maximum height: 104 m Total climb: 2102 m
Minimum height: -4 m Total descent: 2056 m

Result: accommodations