Jacobsweg Amsvorde Uithuizen - Antwerpen

Information and accommodation

Start: Uithuizen (NL)
End: Antwerpen (BE)
Total length of route: 501 km | 311 miles

Villages along the route
Groningen (0,1 km) | Nijkerk (0,3 km) | Amersfoort (0,1 km) | Zeist (0,1 km) | Utrecht (0 km) | Nieuwegein (0,5 km) | Gorinchem (0,1 km) | Breda (0 km) | Kapellen (0,7 km)

Altitude information
Maximum height: 44 m Total climb: 821 m
Minimum height: -20 m Total descent: 836 m

Result: accommodations